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Act Normal! 99 Tips for Dealing with the Dutch.
By Hans Kaldenbach. A lot of observations but most are of dubious value: 'In general, the Dutch male is more a breast-man than a buttock-man.' Prometheus 1997,12.90 guilders.

Dealing with the Dutch Living and working in other cultures.
By Jacob Vossestein. Dutch author places emphasis on doing business with the Dutch. Enriched by many quotes from foreigners who have already done so. Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam 1998, 25 guilders.

How to be Happy in Holland A practical guide.
By George Pogany. An Anglo-Dutch comparison of daily life, written by a Hungarian scientist. The practical part is useful but the content doesn't live up to the expectations of the title. Uitgeverij Verba, 1995, 24.50 guilders.

The Low Sky Understanding the Dutch.
By Han van der Horst. Dutch historian Van der Horst digs a little deeper, manages to stay clear of clichés and tries to find solid explanations for Dutch behaviour. Interesting and informative. Scriptum Books Schiedam/ Nuffic Den Haag 1996, 39.90 guilders.

The UnDutchables
By Colin White & Laurie Boucke. The most popular of all the 'Life in Holland'-books. A sometimes funny account by Englishman White and American Boucke who have observed the Dutch (painfully) well. White Boucke, 1998, 29.95 guilders. Also published in Dutch under the same title, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 1996, 22.50 guilders.

Xenophobe's Guide to the DUTCH
By Rodney Bolt. African-born author tries to summarize the Dutch psyche in 64 pages. At times original but mostly cliché-ridden. Ravette Publishing, 1997, 17.50 guilders. A Dutch translation is available under the title 'Dat zijn nou Typisch Hollanders', uitgeverij Krikke c.s. 1995, 9.95 guilders.

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2 juli 1998

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