Terug naar Dossier Crisis Europese Commissie, NRC Handelsblad
Committee of Independent Experts
First report on allegations regarding fraud, mismanagement
and nepotism in the European Commission
15 March 1999

Nederlandse versie

· Introduction · Tourism · MED Programmes · ECHO · Leonardo da Vinci · Security Office ·
· Nuclear Safety · Allegations of Favouritism · Concluding Remarks · Annex ·

Specific cases examined (other than favouritism): Commissioners and Services responsible
Directorates-General and services of the Commission


Specific cases examined (other than favouritism): Commissioners and services responsible

Tourism Mr CARDOSO E CUNHA (until 1992)
Mr VANNI D'ARCHIRAFI (until 1994)
Mr PAPOUTSIS (from 1995)
DG XXIII Enterprise Policy, Distributive Trades, Tourism and Cooperatives
MED Mr MATUTES (until 1992)
Mr MARIN (from 1993)
DG IB External Relations: Southern Mediterranean, Middle East, Latin America, South and South-East Asia and North-South Cooperation
ECHO Mr MARIN (until 1994)
Mrs BONINO (from 1995)
ECHO European Community Humanitarian Office (Directorate)
LEONARDO Mrs CRESSON DG XXII Education, Training and Youth
Security Office Mr SANTER (reports direct to President) Security Office - Directorate
Nuclear Safety Mr Van Den BROEK DG 1A External Relations: Europe ant the New Independent States, Common Foreign and Security Policy and External Missions

Other relevant Commissioners and Services in context of cases examined

All cases (except nuclear safety) Mr Van MIERT (until 1994)
Mr LIIKANEN (from 1995)
DG IX Personnel and Administration
All cases (except nuclear safety) Mrs GRADIN DG XX Financial Control
UCLAF Task force for the fight against fraud (Directorate of Secretariat General)


Directorates-General and services of the Commission

Secretariat-General of the Commission
Forward Studies Unit
Legal Service
Spokesman's Service
Joint Interpreting and Conference Service
Statistical Office
Translation Service
Informatics Directorate
DG I External Relations: Commercial Policy and Relations with North America, the Far East, Australia and New Zealand
DG IA External Relations: Europe and the New Independent States, Common Foreign and Security Policy and External Missions
DG IB External Relations: Southern Mediterranean, Middle East, Latin America, South and South-East Asia and North-South Cooperation
DG II Economic and Financial Affairs
DG III Industry
DG IV Competition
DG V Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs
DG VI Agriculture
DG VII Transport
DG VIII Development
DG IX Personnel and Administration
DG X Information, Communication, Culture, Audiovisual
DG XI Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection
DG XII Science, Research and Development
Joint Research Centre
DG XIII Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research
DG XIV Fisheries
DG XV Internal Market and Financial Services
DG XVI Regional Policies and Cohesion
DG XVII Energy
DG XIX Budgets
DG XX Financial Control
DG XXI Customs and Indirect Taxation
DG XXII Education, Training and Youth
DG XXIII Enterprise Policy, Distributive Trades, Tourism and Cooperatives
DG XXIV Consumer Policy and Consumer Health Protection
European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO)
Task Force for the Accession Negotiations (TFAN)
Euratom Supply Agency
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities